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20-01-2023 20:54

Peter Püwert Peter Püwert

Hi all, does anyone have access to this literatur

20-01-2023 12:49

Mirek Gryc

HelloI found him a few days ago. Apothecia deeply

10-01-2023 20:39

Robin Isaksson Robin Isaksson

Hi! I wounder if it possible to confirm this.

18-01-2023 21:00

Riet van Oosten Riet van Oosten

Hello, Found by Ruud en Betty van Middelkoop, Jan

09-08-2020 22:18

Lothar Krieglsteiner Lothar Krieglsteiner

... the spores of this find (today, in the Eifel,

17-01-2023 06:58

Ethan Crenson

Hello all, I found this immersed bitunicate pyre

16-01-2023 19:31

Maria Plekkenpol

Hello,I have a question regarding Lachnellula caly

16-01-2023 14:48

Riet van Oosten Riet van Oosten

Hello, Found by Rene Hoogenboom, Jan. 2023. I th

15-01-2023 21:11

Enrique Rubio Enrique Rubio

Could someone please send me a copy of this articl

01-12-2022 12:46

Lothar Krieglsteiner Lothar Krieglsteiner

found on 8.7.2022, on the margin of National Park

« < 101 102 103 104 105 > »
Literature request
Peter Püwert, 20-01-2023 20:54
Peter Püwert
Hi all,

does anyone have access to this literature ? Thank you. Phomatospora endopteris W. Phillips & Plowr., Grevillea 13(no. 67): 76 (1885)

Martin Bemmann, 20-01-2023 20:58
Martin Bemmann
Re : Literature request
Hallo Peter,

das findest du hier:

