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28-07-2024 01:32

Valencia Lopez Francisco Javier

Hola amigosScutellinia recolectada en el suelo, en

11-02-2012 06:50

Roland Labbé

Bonjour !  Voici une planche et une photo macro

24-07-2024 14:07

Elisabeth Stöckli

Bonjour,Cette espèce a été trouvé sur place à

23-07-2024 19:27


Bonjour, Je n'ai pas d'idée pour cette espèce t

24-07-2024 13:19

Thomas Flammer

I am looking for a PDF of the above article. Thank

22-07-2024 10:20

Hans-Otto Baral Hans-Otto Baral

Hello please note that I uploaded today an Englis

21-07-2024 10:13

Thierry Blondelle Thierry Blondelle

Bonjour,Récolte sur branchette de Castanea dans u

19-07-2024 10:24

Kozak Robert

Date: 2024.07.16Loess gorges, on soil with a lot o

21-07-2024 10:28

Alan Rockefeller Alan Rockefeller

Which Peziza did I find on horse dung in Humboldt

19-07-2024 11:08

Miguel Ãngel Ribes Miguel Ángel Ribes

Good morningThis Scutellinia from July 9 grew at 1

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Help with a Hymenoscyphus
Martin Bemmann, 16-10-2009 19:10
Martin BemmannHi,

collected this on tiny dead branche of Aruncus(?) today in my garden:
  • message #9266
Martin Bemmann, 16-10-2009 19:13
Martin Bemmann
Re:Help with a Hymenoscyphus
Asci are 95x 10 µm and spores 17,5-18,5X4,8-5 µm.

  • message #9268
Martin Bemmann, 16-10-2009 19:22
Martin Bemmann
Re:Help with a Hymenoscyphus
Paraphyses have a coarse surface and the pori (poruses) of the Asci are IKI +

Any help very much appreciated!



  • message #9269
Martin Bemmann, 16-10-2009 20:07
Martin Bemmann
Re:Help with a Hymenoscyphus
I forgot to mention ... apothecia are very small (0,3-0,5 mm/dm).

Regards again, Martin
Hans-Otto Baral, 16-10-2009 20:57
Hans-Otto Baral
Re:Help with a Hymenoscyphus
The paraphyses are probably not ciarse but multiguttulate when alive, and very irregular in content when dead, maybe you took this for a surface structure. The homopolar biguttulate spores clearly points to H. macroguttatus. To be sure you shuld verify the presence of croziers.

Martin Bemmann, 16-10-2009 21:19
Martin Bemmann
Re:Help with a Hymenoscyphus
Hi Zotto,

Whow! macroguttatus is a striking guess! I compared my pictures with those on your DVD. Now I will try to find croziers. Sadly those asci are mostly broken above the critical point. But let's have a try.

Hans-Otto Baral, 16-10-2009 21:30
Hans-Otto Baral
Re:Help with a Hymenoscyphus
Its best to make a section and, as your materail is dead, mount in KOH.

By the way I would like to note your locality and date.

Martin Bemmann, 16-10-2009 21:39
Martin Bemmann
Re:Help with a Hymenoscyphus
I have KOH 3% at hands, would this be OK?
Locality is Heidelberg/Ziegelhausen and date by today.


Hans-Otto Baral, 16-10-2009 21:42
Hans-Otto Baral
Re:Help with a Hymenoscyphus
thanks. Yes, even 1% is o.k.

The twig could also be Reynoutria, or? Why are you unsure?

Martin Bemmann, 16-10-2009 22:01
Martin Bemmann
Re:Help with a Hymenoscyphus
I am unsure, because I am an ignorant! ;-) I will send you a photo of the possible host by tomorrow. It's black dark out there by now. But Reynoutria isn't it. This one is creeping all over my Laburnum and has small leaves.

Regards, Martin
Martin Bemmann, 17-10-2009 20:05
Martin Bemmann
Re:Help with a Hymenoscyphus
Hi Zotto,

my sceptizism about my determination of the host plant was justified by my closer examination. Your proposal of a Polygonum species was the right direction. In fact, I think it is Fallopia convolvolus.
Martin Bemmann, 17-10-2009 20:08
Martin Bemmann
Re:Help with a Hymenoscyphus
Searching croziers, I am very much unexperienced.
Is this we are looking for?
The host, by the way is quite cleare, since I found lots of ascocarps on still attached twigs of the living plant today.

Regards, Martin
  • message #9307
Martin Bemmann, 17-10-2009 20:15
Martin Bemmann
Re:Help with a Hymenoscyphus
PS: I dont know why my photo of the host plant doesn't appear in the previous post. I try here again.

  • message #9308
Stip Helleman, 17-10-2009 23:07
Stip Helleman
Re:Help with a Hymenoscyphus
Hi Martin,
This is a real crozier, the plant i don't know either.
Martin Bemmann, 17-10-2009 23:14
Martin Bemmann
Re:Help with a Hymenoscyphus
Hi Stip,

this makes me happy! :-)
I was searching through lots of preparations to find something worth to be called "croziere" ;-)
But I was convinced to have Zottos guess H. macroguttatus even before. The pictures on the DVD of this species are so close to mine.


Hans-Otto Baral, 18-10-2009 10:12
Hans-Otto Baral
Re:Help with a Hymenoscyphus
Everything is o.k., and the plant I think is Fallopia

Martin Bemmann, 18-10-2009 10:47
Martin Bemmann
Re:Help with a Hymenoscyphus
Thank YOU for your assistance!

Best regards,