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24-07-2024 14:07

Elisabeth Stöckli

Bonjour,Cette espèce a été trouvé sur place à

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Bonjour, Je n'ai pas d'idée pour cette espèce t

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Thomas Flammer

I am looking for a PDF of the above article. Thank

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Hello please note that I uploaded today an Englis

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Cyathicula cf. coronata
Yannick Mourgues, 29-08-2009 22:48
Yannick MourguesBonsoir à tous.

Tout concorde pour ma récolte avec Cyathicula coronata, sauf les spores...
Car elles sont strictement cylindriques et non fusiformes, et mesurent 12-14,4x3-3,3 um alors que je devrais avoir des dimensions beaucoup plus grandes...

Qu'en pensez-vous ?

Everything suits for my harvest to Cyathicula coronata, except spores...
Because they are strictly cylindrical and not spindle-shaped, and measure 12-14,4x3-3,3 um while I should have much bigger dimensions...

What do you think about that ?

  • message #8824
Yannick Mourgues, 29-08-2009 23:27
Yannick Mourgues
Re:Cyathicula cf. coronata
Bon, mes spores devaient être immatures car une nouvelle série de mesures me donne :
14,1-16,3x3,3-3,6 um.
Mais sur les deux préparations que je viens de faire, je trouve régulièrement des spores septés...

Avec la clé de Carpenter, je tombe bien sur Crocicreas coronatum même si je suis dans la fourchette basse pour les dimensions des spores.

Cela semble correspondre.
  • message #8826
Stip Helleman, 01-09-2009 19:54
Stip Helleman
Re:Cyathicula cf. coronata
Hi Yannick,
What do you think about C. pallida, the sporedimensions and shape (cylindric) fit quite well to it.
Carpenter suggest it is a intermediate species between coronata and cyathoidea.
Cheers Stip
Yannick Mourgues, 01-09-2009 22:27
Yannick Mourgues
Re:Cyathicula cf. coronata
Hi Stip !

In the Carpenter key, the spores dimensions for C. pallidum are: (8-) 10-12 ( 14 ) x (1,5-) 2-3 um and ascus dimensions : (50-) 60-80 (-85) um.

For my fungus, I have 14,1-16,3x3,3-3,6 um for spores and 80-100x6 um for ascus.

Thus, if I believe the key of Carpenter, my dimensions are far too much big for C. pallida.

Considering that spores measure more than 15 um of length (choice 17), we arrive at C. coronatum.

Don't you agree?

Yannick Mourgues, 01-09-2009 22:34
Yannick Mourgues
Re:Cyathicula cf. coronata
My first measures would indeed have been able to correspond, but new measures on others specimen on the same support looked to me superiors value.
I think that at the beginning I measured immature spores.

In less, than there are both species on the same piece of wood in which case it would be the same fungus !
Stip Helleman, 02-09-2009 16:26
Stip Helleman
Re:Cyathicula cf. coronata
Hi Yannick,
It is your decission, but for me the cylindric shape of the spores versus fusoid should point to pallidum in stead of coronatum.
My personel preference is to put shape above size as taxonomic value.

cheers Stip
Hans-Otto Baral, 02-09-2009 21:51
Hans-Otto Baral
Re:Cyathicula cf. coronata
Hi Yannick

your micro is 100% C. pallida. C. coronata has a high lipid content, the more fusoid spore is filled with many guttules. By the way, the difference in dimensions is perhaps no difference at all. Did you consider the shrinking effect? If you measued living asci and spores then try to measure again in KOH, and you will see the size will fit to Carpenter's.

Yannick Mourgues, 02-09-2009 22:28
Yannick Mourgues
Re:Cyathicula cf. coronata
I thus line up in your opinions. Thanks to both !
Luc Bailly, 04-09-2009 11:27
Luc Bailly
Re:Cyathicula cf. coronata
Could someone email me Carpenter's key of the genus Crocicreas? I find some Crocicreas here and there, so...

Thanks in advance, merci d'avance - Luc BAILLY.
Hans-Otto Baral, 04-09-2009 15:58
Hans-Otto Baral
Re:Cyathicula cf. coronata
Dear Luc

I have just sent you my old Cyathicula key because I think that Carpenter's key is only of limited value and does not consider vital characters. This is the reason why he included some species which belong elsewhere.

I have got Carpenters key from someone I do not remember, a pdf with key and images, 3 MB. I sent you also.

Yannick Mourgues, 04-09-2009 16:58
Yannick Mourgues
Re:Cyathicula cf. coronata
Dear Zotto, could you send me your key too, please ?
Luc Bailly, 04-09-2009 17:25
Luc Bailly
Re:Cyathicula cf. coronata
Got them! Thanks, Zotto.
Yannick Mourgues, 04-09-2009 20:33
Yannick Mourgues
Re:Cyathicula cf. coronata
Idem. Thank's too Zotto !
Yatsiuk Iryna, 24-06-2010 11:49
Yatsiuk Iryna
Re:Cyathicula cf. coronata
Hi, everyone,

Dear Zotto, could you please send these keys (Carpenters and Cyathicula) to me too. It seems to me I have a Cyathicula, but I have never seen this genus before...
Yannick Mourgues, 24-06-2010 13:45
Yannick Mourgues
Re:Cyathicula cf. coronata
It's done !
Yatsiuk Iryna, 25-06-2010 13:08
Yatsiuk Iryna
Re:Cyathicula cf. coronata
Thank you very much, I got it!