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19-01-2025 18:36

William Slosse William Slosse

Good evening everyone, on 16-01-2025 I found this

21-01-2025 17:46

Andgelo Mombert Andgelo Mombert

Bonjour,On m'a confié cette récolte fort intére

21-01-2025 14:05

Thomas Flammer

orange ApotheciaSpores hyalin, length 9 - 11 ym, f

15-01-2025 23:20

Andgelo Mombert Andgelo Mombert

Bonsoir,Sur branche morte d'Acer (A. campestre ou

10-01-2025 18:19

Marc Detollenaere Marc Detollenaere

Dear Forum,I found some colonies of orange coloure

19-01-2025 19:29

Enrique Rubio Enrique Rubio

Good evening to all of you.I would like to know yo

19-01-2025 15:04

Vasileios Kaounas Vasileios Kaounas

Smaller than 1 millimeter in diameter, on a leaf f

18-01-2025 01:04

Irmgard Krisai-Greilhuber

Good evening, in an open oak forest in Burgenland

19-01-2025 16:05

Vasileios Kaounas Vasileios Kaounas

Found in soil, in road, forest Pinus halepensis.

16-01-2025 22:50


BonsoirJ'ai récupéré cet échantillon comme ét

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Hypocréale indéterminée
Andgelo Mombert, 21-01-2025 17:46
Andgelo MombertBonjour,

On m'a confié cette récolte fort intéressante que je n'ai pas su déterminer. Même pas le genre.
Merci d'avance pour votre aide ! J'ai oublié de tester l'acide lactique. Les spores me paraissent très finement striées (difficile à voir).

On unidentified ascomycete (Cryptostroma corticale ?), on branch of Acer sp.

Ascomata perithecial, gregarious, clustered in large groups, widely obpyriform, 130-170 um high, 110-140 um wide, laterally pinched when dry, brown, not turning in 3 % KOH. Ascomatal wall smooth, 23-25 um thick, composed of two regions: outer region 17-19 um thick, composed of subglobose to ellipsoidal, thick-walled cells, with brown wall ; inner region 4-7 um thick, composed of elongate cells, with hyaline wall. Asci unitunicate, subcylindrical, short-stipitate, 8-spored, apices rounded and simple, uniseriate. Ascospores narrowly ellipsoidal, 11-15 x 2,5-3,4 um, 1-septate, often constricted at septum, smooth then finely striate, thick-walled, hyaline.
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  • message #81355
  • message #81355