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22-07-2024 10:20

Hans-Otto Baral Hans-Otto Baral

Hello please note that I uploaded today an Englis

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Discs on moss
Marja Pennanen, 23-10-2012 09:39
Hello folks,

these are about 0,2-0,5 mm wide.
The spores are about 8-10x4-5.
Asci are about 70-80x6-8.
Paraphyses are septate and filled with droplets at the upper part, about 3 wide.
Brown cells were presesnt.

Absolutely no idea even of the genus...


  • message #20103
  • message #20103
  • message #20103
  • message #20103
Hans-Otto Baral, 23-10-2012 09:44
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Discs on moss
Hello Marja

are there no hairs?

I would anyhow place this in the vicinity of Muscicola dubia. Seppo will be interested. I remember to have seen such spores, probably I did not yet scan my drawing.

Marja Pennanen, 23-10-2012 10:14
Re : Discs on moss
Dear Zotto,

I saw no hairs (that don't mean, that they don't exist) and nearly all of the specimen is in the photo.
So I won't spend it any more, evenif forgot to check the amyloidity because of too many other specimens.

I have found some times something, that Seppo assumes for now  to be Muscicola and the microscophy of it was a bit smaller. I saw with them some Hamathocanthoscypha-like hairs.
The paraphyses had though droplets - so maybe.

At the moment I have concentrated on mosses. They carry very interesting myxos, too.
Seppo is having busy times because of many specimens to work with...

We are just having our first snow: Marja

PS: does somebody know good myxomycetes forums?
Hans-Otto Baral, 23-10-2012 10:34
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Discs on moss
Yes, the spores are too big, quite wide also. But the refractive droplets in the paraphyses are distinct, are they? This and their straight shape excludes a species of Mniaecia/Epiglia.
Marja Pennanen, 23-10-2012 10:43
Re : Discs on moss
Yes, the droplets in paraphyses are quite obvious.
The paraphyses have many septas, which I'm not sure to have seen with those ealier Muscicola suspections.

If Seppo is interested to have more work, I have still this fresh at fridge.

Hans-Otto Baral, 23-10-2012 10:46
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Discs on moss
I assume  you inform him?
Raúl Tena Lahoz, 23-10-2012 11:32
Raúl Tena Lahoz
Re : Discs on moss
Hi Marja & Zotto
I think this species you found is as one I find here on Brachythecium sp.
I´m not sure where to place it, Bryoscyphus?, Muscicola? (if it is a valid genus). So I let it provisionally as "Muscicola rombisporus", "rombisporus" refers to the sporal shape. I attach a couple of images of the spores. They should be nicely warted. Others features: asci euamyloid arise from croziers, paraphyses and cortical cells filled with VBs, cortical cells and paraphyses reddening when damaged.
  • message #20109
  • message #20109
Hans-Otto Baral, 23-10-2012 11:40
Hans-Otto Baral
Re : Discs on moss
Ah, I felt there was something. Very good, Raul! I had this taxon in the Bryoscyphs folder, but the overmature warted spores speak more for a Muscicola if that genus makes any sense.

Here ar photos by Piotr who also found this species. His moss might be Hypnum.

  • message #20110
Marja Pennanen, 23-10-2012 11:54
Re : Discs on moss
Hi Raul&Zotto,

thank you very, very much!

This forum is really excelent! Thanks to Christian, too!

I'm waiting for Seppo to answer my e-mail.
Supppose he's busy with those 8 mossfungi sepcimen I sent him yesterday...

How interesting: Marja
Piotr Perz, 01-04-2022 19:04
Re : Discs on moss

Yes, this is exactly like my found mentioned by Zotto.
Something new happend since 2012 about this species?

  • message #72366
  • message #72366
  • message #72366
  • message #72366
Marja Pennanen, 01-04-2022 22:21
Re : Discs on moss
Dear Piotr,

nice to "hear" from you after many years! Have you got more children after the son and daugter? They must be in school now.

OMG, I actually have "never" seen this thread ;) Nearly ten years has passed and I have no memories of this collection and what happened to it (should check my herbarium). But now, that it has been lifted up, something (some good sleeps) may blow up the dust from my brains.

I'm glad you with your humor are  back here in Ascofrance: Marja
Piotr Perz, 01-04-2022 22:32
Re : Discs on moss
Hi Marja, 

yeah, nearly ten years has passed and maybe during this time someone find/gave a name for this fungus, made DNA or publish something. It is possible... a lot is happend in taxonomy.
