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  • gentianae
Calloria gentianae
Enrique Rubio , 09-07-2013 19:22
Genre Calloria
Espèce gentianae
Autorités Grelet & Croz.
Classe Leotiomycetes
Ordre Helotiales
Famille Dermateaceae
Substrat Veratrum album
Localité Saliencia,La Farrapona (Asturias)
Pays Espagne
Leg. J. Linde
Det. E. Rubio
Date de récolte 29-06-2013
Remarque Our first collection of this nice fungus was made by B. Capoen & M. Hairaud on june 2008 and determinate by Zotto Baral.
It grows on overwintered stems and leaves of Veratrum álbum at 1700 m of altitude.
The number of glassy excipular hairs is very variable and is typical (sec. Baral) the quite cylindrical glassy parts without a fine lumen, also the KOH-solubility of the glass and its staining in IKI (without KOH) pale greyish-violaceous.